Saturday, February 13, 2016

*The Truth About Fatca*

The has a new post about *The Truth About Fatca* based on an interview of Jim Jafras by IRS Medic.

As usual for IBS this post and the comments willfully fail to recognize the 800lb gorilla glaring at them from the middle of the room.

 Jim does a good job of skirting this real issue and going into depth about the symptoms without addressing the root cause.

The video is full of great lines that completely miss the target, like:

- the only thing that comes close [to Fatca as bad legislation] is prohibition
- the Fatca law was never debated on or voted on or amended in either house congress
- there were never separate hearings held in congress
- aside from its [Fatca's] supidity as a tax enforcement mechanism
- its [Fatca] very destructive to the whole concept of a law based international system
- this thing [Fatca] could be knocked over with a feather but we don't have a feather
- It was passed when the Democrats had a full majority of both houses of Congress

So why was this law passed when it clearly was bad legislation, was never debated over or voted on, never had separate hearings, was clearly going to be ineffective in terms of cost/benefit, violates any semblance the international legal norms, and should have been very easy to block?

Well lets look at some of the actors who were pushing this foul piece of legislation long before they managed to blackmail the majority of opponents who might have done something into allowing it to pass without the slightest degree of opposition:

Chuck Schumer
Carl Levin
Barney Frank
Dick Durbin
Barbara Boxer
Diane Feinstein
Ben Bernanke
Timothy Geitner
Lois Lerner
Doug Schulman
Rahm Emmanuel
David Axelrod

What do these guys have in common?  They are all members of the same tribe.  The tribe that brought us the IRS and the FED in 1913 and still run them today.   The IRS was created before the FED because the tribe already in control of the US government knew it would need much more cash from the tax donkeys to pay for the debt that the FED was going to be lending to the US Government to finance the coming wars of conquest.

So if IBS and Jim Jafras want to do anything about Fatca, they are going to have to pull their heads out of the sand and figure out what the true agenda is.

Hint:  Why did the US rubbleize Iraq, Libya and Syria?

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